

A Covenant Mercies Story: Ivan

A Covenant Mercies Story: Ivan

Here at Covenant Mercies, nothing brings us as much joy as seeing the children we serve overcome hopelessness and challenges faced at a very early age in life to become self-sufficient, productive and thriving members of their communities. Ivan Imongin is tangible...

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Reflections on our Father’s Love for the Fatherless

Reflections on our Father’s Love for the Fatherless

On Easter Sunday this year, the Lord took my father home after 85 rich and meaningful years.  His departure has left me in a reflective mindset about the blessing he was to me personally, and the importance of fathers more generally to all of us.  My dad worked hard...

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A Covenant Mercies Story: Kalkidan

A Covenant Mercies Story: Kalkidan

As a young girl, Kalkidan lost both of her parents and was raised by her grandparents. After she and her sister were enrolled in our Orphan Sponsorship Program, our staff began to  suspect that Kalkidan was living with HIV. She was frequently ill and displayed many of...

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Stories of Hope: 2023 Annual Report

Stories of Hope: 2023 Annual Report

It's a pleasure to present our newly-released 2023 Annual Report, including the latest testimonies, updates and photos from each of our program areas. We thank all of our sponsors, donors and partners for sowing faithfully into our mission and enabling this work in...

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2023 Impact Infographic

2023 Impact Infographic

We're delighted to share our 2023 Infographic highlighting the impact of our work in sub-Saharan Africa. THANK YOU to all of our sponsors, donors and partners for making this possible. Through God’s grace and your prayers and generosity, we are making a difference in...

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A Story of Hope: Charles [Video]

A Story of Hope: Charles [Video]

It’s a pleasure to share our latest video release with you! This video features Charles Mwanza, a Sponsorship Program graduate and one of our very first Mapalo scholars. I have known Charles since he was just a young boy in our program, and I couldn’t be more proud of...

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Learning skills to read and succeed in Liberia

Learning skills to read and succeed in Liberia

Thanks to the generosity of their sponsors, our children in Liberia will return to school more prepared than ever this year. Since most had not attended school consistently prior to their sponsorship, over 80% of our children were essentially illiterate when assessed...

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In Due Season We Will Reap

In Due Season We Will Reap

My latest trip to Africa was full of reminders of how the Lord is using Covenant Mercies to transform lives. On a three-week, three-country tour with a video team, we captured many encouraging stories throughout. But perhaps the sweetest moment came on the final day...

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