Thank You


Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…
James 1:27

Thank you for signing up for Covenant Mercies’ Orphan Sponsorship Program!

Giving Method Information

  • Cheque: If you selected “cheque” as your preferred giving method, please make them payable to Grace Trust (Bristol) with Covenant Mercies written on the back. Our UK mailing address is: Covenant Mercies, c/o Grace Church Bristol, Unit 2, Knightsbridge Court, North Street, Downend, Bristol BS16 5SF.
  • Standing Order: Please use the following information to set up a standing order:

    Account Name: Covenant Mercies

    Sort Code: 20-13-45

    Account Number: 63764656

For Monthly Sponsors

Please submit your contributions by the 1st of each month. Your faithfulness to do this in a timely manner will allow us to execute fund transfers to our international program locations on a regular monthly schedule, ensuring steady provision for your child’s needs.

For questions about your sponsored child or Covenant Mercies’ programs, please contact our USA office at or 610.361.0606. For questions related to giving and finances, please contact our UK office at or 0117 956 9415.