Hanna’s story: God’s sovereign mercy in the midst of hardship [Video]

Orphans+Ethiopia+Testimonies // September 30, 2024 //

One of the blessings of being a 22 year-old ministry is the joy of seeing competent young adults graduate from our Orphan Sponsorship Program each and every year, many of whom started in our program as small children. It is even more rewarding when the arc of their story spans from tragedy to triumph, and more gratifying still when their transformation incorporates both the physical and the spiritual.

In Hanna’s story, the sovereign hand of God is unambiguous, bringing her into the path of his mercy. While we can’t always trace the details of his providence so clearly, we believe this is the reality for all the children in our program. The Lord himself ordains the children we will care for. This is both comforting and inspiring as we consider the limitations and the potentialities of our work. While we can’t possibly reach all the orphans of the world, we can have an absolutely transformational impact on the lives God brings across our path.

As you view the four-minute video below, I hope you’ll be encouraged by Hanna’s story. We couldn’t be more grateful for each and every person – whether through prayer, financial giving, or some other means – who has positioned us to extend the love of Christ to Hanna and countless others like her. Their lives are changed forever, and God is greatly glorified as his mercy is made manifest.